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Sep 28, 2020
Employees vs Customers
How did Facebook find itself in the crosshairs of so many critics?

Sep 21, 2020
Optimizely, CRO, and Menu Design
Why did spend on Optimizely’s value DROP during the pandemic?

Sep 14, 2020
Real Fidelity and Marketing to Employees
It’s easier to develop animosity toward a co-worker who you don’t see face-to-face every day.

Aug 31, 2020
The future of marketing and Augmented PR
What’s the new roadmap for building a brand?

Aug 24, 2020
Apple, Bundling, and Media
Bundles have a bad reputation.

Aug 17, 2020
Stripe and HR as a marketing function
It turns out that people like winning.

Aug 10, 2020
10 True Fans
My own personal thought leadership on the idea of fans.

Aug 4, 2020
Amazon and Managerial Incentives
Companies are not single-minded organisms.

Jul 28, 2020
GPT-3, AI Dungeon, and the future of marketing
Once GPT-3 is out in the wild, what will it mean?

Jul 21, 2020
How to reach $1 million in annual compensation as an employee
Table of Contents 1. My Journey 2. Why did I write this? Why a good career guide does not yet exist (until now) Opportunity cost Three...

Jul 14, 2020
Harvard, Human Capital, Signalling and Selection Effect
How much is the Harvard experience “worth” if a student never sets foot in the campus’s hallowed halls?

Jul 7, 2020
Culture, Police and Nauseating Displays of Loyalty
Cultures create unity and unity holds together the culture.

Jun 30, 2020
Advertising Boycotts and Mascots
Will a boycott have any impact?

Jun 23, 2020
TikTok and new marketing channels
A trend or the real deal?

Jun 16, 2020
Joe Rogan and Podcast Advertising
What is Spotify trying to accomplish with the Joe Rogan partnership?

Jun 9, 2020
When the players are the referees
When people want to believe something, they can rationalize almost anything.

Jun 2, 2020
Brands are Deeply Saddened
Taking a stand, or the easy way out?

May 26, 2020
Remote Schools and Local Maxima
What happens when schools are abruptly forced to close their doors?

May 18, 2020
Experience and Progressions
Why didn’t governments around the world learn from the lessons from other countries?

May 12, 2020
Pandemic Theater
If using smartphones on airplanes doesn't pose any danger, why are we insisting that passengers turn off their devices?
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